- This cruise has passed.

Please note the new day in which it is being held which is Friday. In the previous years it has always been held on a Saturday. With the popularity of Shows and Cruise-In in which most are held on Saturday we thought we would give you a choice in case you cannot make a Saturday or Sunday car show or cruise. We know most of us do have to still work but what better way to spend the evening throughout the summer, then with fellow car enthusiast. There are many places to grab a bite to eat and bring it downtown or you can get something off of the Food Truck serving Mexican or the Barbecue Wagon which will be at our Cruise-In. We will start gathering at 5pm and go until 9pm. Being in downtown Taylorsville there will be plenty of places to park. Music will be provided. Looking forward to seeing all of you and your beautiful rides on Friday April 28 and every 4th Friday of the month throughout the summer through October. Thank you